
Gentle Pediatric Dentistry in Burlington

Providing your child with dental care is an important step in helping them enjoy a lifetime of healthy smiles. At Dental Health Group, our compassionate team offers children's dentistry tailored to the unique needs of our youngest patients. With a focus on empathetic care, we're here to make your child's time with us as positive and educational as possible.

Our practice is dedicated to creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere where kids can learn about the importance of dental health in a fun and engaging way. We're excited to welcome you and your little ones to our dental family and to be a part of their journey toward excellent oral health. Contact us today to schedule your appointment for pediatric dentistry in Burlington.


What Does Pediatric Dentistry Involve?

Children's dentistry is mainly focused on overseeing and guiding the growth and development of young smiles. We carefully monitor your child's oral health milestones and do everything possible to ease the transition from baby to adult teeth. Our practice prides itself on providing prevention, education, and early detection. Our experienced team stays current with modern practices in pediatric dentistry and provides age-appropriate care and advice.

Providing Positive First Visit Experiences

First visits at Dental Health Group are designed with young patient's comfort and engagement in mind. We understand that a new experience, like visiting the dentist for the first time, can be daunting for little ones. That's why our team goes above and beyond to create an environment where they can feel at ease.

From the moment your child walks in, we focus on allowing them to gradually acclimate to the new surroundings and the ideas involved with children's dental care. Our general dentists work hard to build trust and positive associations when visiting the dentist. We'll invite them to tour our office and let them sit in the dental chair to grow their confidence in receiving dental treatments. To help ensure every visit ends on a positive note, we have a prize box so your child can take home something fun.

Our Approach to Children's Dentistry

While we don't perform any actual dental work during your child's first visit, our aim is to prepare them for receiving dental services that lay a strong foundation for lifelong dental health. For early smiles, our primary focus is on providing preventive treatments and detailed monitoring. Our routine checkups serve as an opportunity to provide cleanings but are also vital for creating detailed records of the growth and development of your kid's smile. Should we discover developing issues in your child's smile, we put together a treatment plan to help prevent those issues from becoming complex problems in the future.

Emphasizing Education

We're passionate about teaching you and your child the essentials of dental care, including proper brushing techniques, the critical role of flossing, and the benefits of maintaining excellent oral hygiene. We adapt our educational methods to suit different ages, employing engaging, child-friendly approaches that make learning about dental health an interactive and memorable experience. We also aim to deliver education in a way that makes you, as the parent, feel like a partner in nurturing positive dental habits that will aid in keeping your child's smile bright and healthy well into the future.

Creating a Child-Friendly Environment

Understanding that dental visits can be daunting for children, we've gone to great lengths to ensure our practice is somewhere they can feel safe. However, our team understands that some children may still suffer from some fear and anxiety. For those moments when anxieties are running high, we offer nitrous oxide sedation as a safe option to help ease fears, allowing your young one to get the care they need.

Children's Dentistry FAQs

It's common for parents to have many questions about the dental care their child is receiving. Our team always takes the time needed to thoroughly answer your questions and address your concerns. We want you to be confident in the care we're providing and prioritize sharing our knowledge with you. Some of the most common questions we receive include:

When should my child have their first dental appointment?

Our dentists recommend a child's first visit should be at the time of their first tooth emerging. We want to help ensure their oral structures are developing properly, and this is the ideal time to begin the process of monitoring their growth.

Just like adults, your child should have regular dental visits every six months to monitor their dental health, clean their teeth, and address any concerns you may have.

Should your child experience a dental emergency like knocking out a tooth, you should contact our dental office immediately. Our dentist will provide instructions on what to do next, depending on if the tooth is a baby tooth or an adult one.

Reliable Children's Dental Care in Burlington

At Dental Health Group, we're committed to building trusting, positive relationships with every child who enters our doors, aiming to instill a lifelong appreciation for dental health. Our team looks forward to meeting you and your little one and supporting them on their journey to a lifetime of healthy smiles. Contact us to schedule your child's first visit and experience the difference dedicated children's dentistry at our Burlington practice can make in your lives.

